My Coding Journey

My Learning Path

Heyy Guys, My name is Adedoye Obadare and this is my first article on Hashnode... Well, my first article ever to be honest... Uhm.. I'm new to this platform and I'm lying if I say I understand the features of this app. I started my coding journey a month ago and I have to say it hasn't been easy, I guess that's how it is trying new things, you know.. hard at first and overtime becomes easy, or you get used to the system and don't see the process the same way.

The most stressful part of journeys for most people actually begins before the trip, it is the trip planning stage. This includes doing travel research, making travel arrangements, making an itinerary e.t.c. It is also when people often begin to have concerns related to the trip but after getting to your destination or sometimes on the way you begin to see and recall moments (fun and tedious moments that made it eventful).

I've always loved the idea of programming/coding or whatever term techies use, it's very intriguing and I marvel at how technology has improved over the years and it defo surged my interest.

I'm still on HTML and CSS but I've begun to see the light and I'm more enthusiastic and amused by how everything works. You see a beautiful webpage and when you check the source you see the tags and inputs that made the website beautiful or very user friendly and you want to understand the dynamics and see how little commands could be interpreted into something amazing. I have opted for different means like websites like "Codecademy, w3schools, freecodecamp" and any other website I find myself wandering to all in a bid to understand and get better at coding.

it's not an easy journey but it's worth every sleepless night and data because sometimes I find myself regressing and going a week without doing anything and optimizing every excuse I find. But all the same, the time I create to code is an amazing experience. At times when I create something as simple as a page with just text paragraphs and it's not working the way I want it to, I try my best to debug ( that's the word we techies use..yktv). To conclude this post, Coding is only going to work for you if the right attributes( commitment, determination, and discipline) are put into place. And I'm trying my best at it, cutting my movie and football time off to code is something I taught myself to do. I pray God helps me on this journey I have embarked and I have something amazing to show to the world along the way, that way my sacrifices will prove worthy, like the saying " the end justifies the means".

ps: my article writing skills are a work in progress and I hope to get better at it too. see you guys next time... Ciao

Yours in Tech Adedoye